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Chinese delegation visited Junnikkala Sawmill


Chinese delegation of wholesalers, wood importers from furniture industry and wood construction industry visited our factory today.

During the visit the Chinese delagation learned more about Finnish wood and Finnish companies and seek for opportunity to build up business relationship and to negotiate on the 3rd quarter cooperation with Junnikkala Sawmill.

Our Sales Manager Ming Yu introduced the sawmill and downstream operations to our guests.

– Our guests were especially impressed with the further processed production line and painting line, products quality control and satisfied with the timber quality, Ming Yu says.

According to Finnish Saw Mill Association Wood from Finland program promotes Finnish sawn softwood and its applications in selected market areas and segments. The main objectives of the program is to form new business partnerships between the global timber trade and Finnish companies and, to enhance the existing mutually beneficial co-​operation between business partners.

Wood from Finland is a national promotion program for Finnish sawn timber operated by Business Finland and Finnish Sawmill Association.

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